I don't promote being a sloppy cunt, dripping at the mouth. But how can anyone live by this? I can't imagine swallowing the things I feel the need to say, or share. There's so much truth and intent that dies within just saying this. Elementary taught us this, and it was of our best interests really. But did we ever consider the implications of this later on? I think I'm just being sensitive about this because sometimes I can feel myself fearing to say exactly what I need to say. Sometimes it feels like I'm walking on eggshells. Talking to people around me, typing on this blog, etc. And sometimes I just hate that feeling. I cringe when I have to bite my tongue sometimes. If I want to say it, I don't want to constantly worry about what the rest of the world will think or say in response. I'm always entirely responsible for what I say. But fuck. There are those days when I just say to myself, What Would Ace Do?
If you can't say something nice, ____ ___ __ ___ _______.
If you can't say something nice, ____ ___ __ ___ _______.