Sunday, March 20, 2011


Iloveumostlikely - I'm wearing a bracelet that says this. I think it's Courtney's. I put it on for fun and forgot to take it off as I left the house.

I haven't slept in my own bed in 2 straight nights. But it's so hard to resist being with my friends. We all have got some magnetic pull on each other or something. This night is my first night sleeping on my bed again. I found the decency to actually drive home. This week is going to mess with me. I've already have more coffee than I have ever had before in one day. I can't tell if I'll be able to sleep after this because I'm fucktired but I'm fidgeting like a freak.

I keep getting butterflies in my stomach. I hate this about me. I make myself so anxious and I let myself feel so ridiculous and think these strange things. And by strange I do mean strange. As in unfamiliar territory for me. But they're there lately. Just like my dreams. What is it with these dreams? I think I have a..chronic problem.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)