Saturday, January 29, 2011

Reasons to love/hate Mikal

Hate #1: She stained my sheets. She said it was just a drop, but then she smeared it. Which no longer makes it...just a dot. Nice. Nice one Mikal.

Hate #2: She drooled all over my pillows. Everywhere. Drool. Everywhere. Nice. Nice one.

Hate #3: She literally just SLEPT!!!!!! FOR WEEKS!!!

Hate #4: While we were both sleeping that night, we were in our normal spooning positions (me being the big spoon, her the little spoon), and she started dreaming her wild dreams that she always has, and she started writing on my belly. With her finger! I don't know what she was dreaming about... but... that one really woke me... then made me roll my eyes and shake my head. Who the f.. on my belly? God damn you.

Love #1: Great thing she's cute while she's awake or asleep. More while awake than asleep. She gets wild when asleep...

Love #2: Great thing she says ridiculous shit that makes me drool with laughter. Makes up for her drools.

Love #3: When she gets lotsa sleep, she's in a great mood. So her mood was hella GOOOOOOOOOOOD

Love #4: Whatever she wrote on my belly, I'm sure it was something endearing. She was very cuddly as always. And great thing she has flawless skin. Would you rather sleep next to someone with normal skin... or would you rather sleep next to someone with heavenly skin? Yeah, that's right. Mikal!

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)