Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know you know I love you so
You know I love you so

It was 10something at night, and I felt a pang in my chest. I laid in bed in attempt to fall asleep early. I always know, the later it gets, the worse I feel.

Every night I battle with myself, dial? don't dial? And every night so far, I've lost that battle with myself... and I'd dial. I just can't fall asleep with out our breathing. Even if our conversations every night lately have been a heart break, like we're nothing.. it's better than sleeping with my silence.

Every night, it's the same. Small talk, casual, catch up the day. Then inevitably, one of us asks a question, or one of us blurts it out. And we'll talk about us. And we'll push what we have to say to each other. And we'll come to a conclusion, or we'd compromise, or we'd say fuck it, or we'd cover it all up and say we're fine. Then I'd start murmuring, and he'd start getting quieter, and he'll say good night, and we'd be asleep.

But not last night.

Last night we ripped each other open and broke all of our silences. Last night I remembered how much my heart aches loving him. Loving us. And how much I love every minute of it. And we both knew it wasn't over. It's not over. And it won't be until it is.

We may not be for ever and for always. And we may not always keep our promises. We may not always be nice, and we may hurt most of the time... but we are our moment. We are the Here. The Now. We are the slow, heavy breaths we have to catch. We are the tug of war, the push and the pull. We're the kisses on the necks, the goosebumps and curled toes. We're the random smile while sitting blankly and silently in class. We're the last thoughts of the night. And the first thoughts of the morning. That's here. And that's now. And we are. Just are.

And right now, listening to this song, having this day, and thinking about tomorrow...

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know for you i bleed myself dry
For you i bleed myself dry

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)