Monday, May 24, 2010

Some things that make me happy

This weather calls for good doses of happiness.

This mysterious one had me scratching my head. I couldn't figure out who it was the entire day when I first received it. When I came home.. my sister fessed up. My sister loves me. Very very very very very very very very much.

This, from Briana Gonzalez. I didn't expect any at all, especially not from her. We've had great times through out our four years. It's nice knowing that I'm worth remembering to someone.

And this, of course, my favorite. Sometimes I forget that she actually does love me. Many thanks to the girl that once was my everything! The one and only time I let anyone be my everything. Alyssa Morelos Corpuz, MY MAKER. Just kidding, but we built each other up once upon a time.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)