Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Satire, Irony, Burlesque"

Hold My Hand

"You'll never know I'm after you"
The sky seemed inexplicably bigger today.

I don't know why, but I couldn't stop looking up. I felt like a child, visiting some new environment, observing every little detail and wondering about every single one. It astonished me, because I've walked that same path enough times that my embedded foot prints could some how be found, but it's never looked like that to me.

I wanted...

to lay myself down on the street, tracing to find the end of what I'd imagined a wrist with endless questions. And I breathe like it was the first time I'd surfaced above the water.

Through out that whole walk home, I was reciting poems to myself. It was the most tranquil I'd been.

Not quite happy, but content enough to keep on coasting by.
My English class is a.fucking.drag. I wish I would learn something useful, substantial. Instead of having pointless preaches that never seem to make any sense. I don't think my teacher has any idea what she's talking about. So the class has no idea what they're talking about. And every brain in that room dumbs down by 10 degrees.

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
-Mark Twain, existentialist.

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