Friday, May 22, 2009

My boyfriend and I were supposed to get our nails done today. We arrived at the mall, saw Melanie and Teddy sitting casually on the bench in front of the nail place. I asked her what her doings were at the mall for the 2nd day this week. She flashed her nails and mumbled about pictures. So, I asked her how much it would cost to get our nails done. She said $26, and I set still and said fuck it.

Btw, while typing "bench" ^ up there, I accidentally typed in "bitch". Aha, that really amused me. A slight giggle even struck out of me.
Today after school felt like the last day of school. Maybe it was because of the nostalgic, at-end's mood that the assembly left us with. Ty was gone. Ry was gone. And everyone else was gone. The bench was empty. But then I saw D standing there, and he joined me in that little moment of solitude. It felt really good. "ALRIGHT SUMMER! HERE WE COME!" He has been yelling all day. All day.

I swear, that boy and I strike at each other's throats then rip each other's heads off at every chance we get. We never see eye to eye. We are always countering the other's statement. And I think we're starting to do it on purpose. ...Neh, that's just the way we are. We are complete opposites, we really are. And those mismatched, mix pieces of ourselves keeps us together. though. But then again, those pieces could also break us apart. It isn't right now, it hasn't before. And if ever it does, then he has been the best for and to me.

I want the world to know, I love Dean Dantes. Even if he makes me feel shitty sometimes because we fight. Even when I get angry at him and he gets angry at me, and we're total dicks to each other. The only love that I have ever known that have really struck and broken my insides to a degree unrecognizable is the most painful one. Actions and consquences, bring on the pain!

PS. "Glitter on the wet streets. Silver over everything.."

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)