Thursday, April 24, 2014

life lessens

don't take advice from someone whose life constantly crumbles. don't take advice from someone who lets their life crumble. don't take advice from a misanthrope. don't take advice from a self-loathing misogynist. don't take advice from a hard ass. the emotionally disturbed. don't take advice from someone who denies humanity. who damns happiness. don't take advice from someone who has a competitive nature against jesus, or god, or any supposed greater power. don't take advice from someone with an existential complex. everything is coated with a film of first impression charm. with an unusual wit. with the false pretense for self-confidence and carelessness. don't take advice from someone who is relentlessly self-absorbed. don't take advice from someone who seeks solace in the evil and the wicked. who seeks solace in sad songs and absolute silence from the rest of the world. who refuses to talk. who refuses exposure. 

i can take my clothes off all i want. walk up on stage and let the spotlight on me. i can stand still, and the audience may look if they please. but i won't ever say anything. i won't ever let anyone in on it. i guess because even if they all laugh, i'll still feel like they're the butt of the joke. that is, as long as i don't ever let them in on it. 

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)