Monday, May 16, 2011


That overstatement is just the result of my unbearable irritation towards human interaction lately. I can't exactly put a finger on this, I just know that my "mood" is currently selective and I am fully aware of being a cunt, but I can't help it. Sometimes, it feels good to be a cunt. Sometimes, you have to be a fucking cunt.

It's not that I am unhappy or discontent. Which really isn't the case at all. In fact, today I found myself overwhelmed with the most unexpected joys that my life offers me. But there are those certain aspects of life that creep their way into my consciousness. And I realize it, more often than not, especially when I am around... people. Anywhere really. In class. In parking lots. In grocery stores. As long as there are people... talking or breathing next to one another, I rather become irritated. It's almost frustrating myself because it's not like I'm choosing to be so irritable. It just shines over me. Solitude has been much better for me, with the very, very rare exceptions of company.

To narrow this down: Sometimes I just can't stand listening to the things that people say. It's these arguments that really grind my gears. Whenever I hear a pointless argument, a debate in which voices must rise and tones must heat up, I very well find myself getting quieter and feeling as if my brain will hop out of the cavity in my skull and jump off the nearest cliff that this state has to offer. I detest it. Everyone has got a fucking opinion. It's nice to be quite talkative and conversational sometimes, but there are times when it is best to keep your dripping mouth shut. Sometimes, it is best to keep that disagreeing response to yourself and let go of it before it leads to another useless and counterproductive salivating dispute. For fuck's sake, is it such a difficult concept to understand that not all opinions should be shared? Not everyone wants to hear every single little detail running through your mind. And fuck who ever told you that it's alright to say whatever you please. Freedom of speech does not advocate stupidity, I assure this. Unfortunately, the concept of freedom of speech has made those who can't grasp a fucking filter, stupider and stupider by every statement made.

With this, I realized why I find myself so quiet at times with some discussions. If I lack information about a certain topic, I try to keep my statements to a minimal or say nothing at all in hopes not to seem stupid. If I know enough information about a certain topic, I try to keep my statements too embellished. In other words, I just state exactly what I know. If I know a certain topic really well and disagree with someone about that certain topic, I try to state my perspective and make it clear that it is, as it is, MY perspective. If I know a certain topic really well and the person that disagrees also knows the topic really well, generally, the argument concludes and finds some resolution of "agreeing to disagree." (Unless of course that the well-informed person is just a cunt and isn't willing to realize that they can't change the person's perspective. And continues on to an endless and futile exchange of words. This happens more often.) Otherwise, these are the arguments worth arguing for. I have noticed that people do not usually go about the same with conversations as I do. Which is why I find myself in the middle of people arguing over their sides as if they are hanging on for dear life while I'm sitting there or standing perhaps, shaking my head or maybe even rolling my eyes and casually saying in the words of Raemon, "I'll stay out of this one." (Raemon, by the way, is the perfect person to argue with).

In short, people are irritating. Sometimes, people argue. Sometimes, people argue and sound really stupid. Since people are irriating and sometimes argue to sound stupid, I conclude with either acquire a filter and a semblance of intelligence or SHUT THE FUCK UP. I'm sure everyone has been prime suspect for sounding stupid, including myself. But isn't it best to try and avoid that as best as possible? No? I just loathe the screaming and talking over one another, the shrillness of useless words. It has a certain sound that make my ears bleed.

This rant was brought to you by ...people. The scattering of arguing and slobbering people that brought me all that this rant brought to you. Thank you and good night America.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)