I have always been confident to know that I continue on with my life with out any regrets. I've made mistakes, dealt with consequences, and I've moved on from them. On all situations. But the closest thing for me to regret anything would be this... Nothing else will haunt me more than this. Every. Single. Day. If I had the chance to go back, I would because of her. I'm glad I learned a lot from it all and I'm glad that everyone is better off this way... but I would take it all back if it meant that I wouldn't hurt her. I would take it all back in a heart beat. But then again, if the person I loved most had feelings for one of my closest friends and they acted on it with a stupid kiss behind my back, I think I would resent me too. Maybe. My point is. I am a fucking scum. Sometimes I still find it hard to forgive myself. But it's alright...
All is alright now... Isn't it?
All is alright now... Isn't it?