Thursday, December 30, 2010


I'm wearing my furry hat from Ace, sitting here, waiting. And tonight has just led me to sadness. I'm literally pouting. I wish I wasn't, but sometimes I have to take my pride down and let myself be sad. At least I know Tay would be happy that I'm admitting I'm sad with out covering it up with some layer of anger. I'm also listening to The Honorary Title, and I haven't in so long. I feel my younger emotions ascending and taking me apart. Just as Tegan and Sara would do for me, I'm listening to songs that feel like they were written for me to hear at this very moment of my life. Like it's so relevant and so significant. I'll be fine. I always will be. Just let me be sad for a few more minutes.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)