Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's because I have a journal

Yes, I've been keeping a journal. That's why my Blogger has been so deserted lately. And when I do have the perfect opportunity to share something (i.e. Rik's birthday) I get too overwhelmed (more like lazy) to post all these pictures and tell you all about what a wonderful time everyone had. But oddly enough, my journal is rather empty as well. I guess I just can't seem to get my thoughts down.


I can't sleep.

I lay there at night, thinking and thinking and do my endless thinking of everything and everyone. And sometimes I get stuck just thinking about the same things and not sleeping. But once my body can't take anymore, it crashes right when I don't need it to. I hate when I sleep through sunshine. The only time I ever fall asleep is when someone is sleeping next to me.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)