Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Concept of Dating (continued)

The Concept of Dating (first part)

  • I agree, dating is definitely not the same as being in a relationship.But if a couple that is dating acts exactly like a couple in a relationship with the whole: Calling each other pet names, holding hands, saying I love you, and most importantly, having sex, then that is where the the line is set. Just because the title is not there, does not mean that the dating couple is not in a relationship. And official relationship or unofficial relationship, the point is, it is still a relationship, and anyone who is not possessive in any kind of relationship, well ….you really must not feel as strongly for the person as you put it out to be.

Days I wish I could yenno, reblog. But comme toujours, it's all in perspective ! I've taken dating a lot more casually and kept to myself than any other form of connection with someone. And so far, my experience with it has maintained casual. That's all in my perspective. And I can see where you're coming from, and where other people that I've discussed this with are coming from. All of which have been very different from one another. So as far as I'm concerned, everyone has a different take on this. For example, I've been seeing someone all summer and of course, people talk. And it's been forced upon me that I am indeed in a relationship. And I've been asked if there's even a valid difference between dating and actually being in a relationship. I've stood by what I believe all summer, and am keeping it that way. And maybe my take on dating just so happen to be similar with the person that I have been dating, which is where I derived my take on this concept in the first place. But that's just me and my personal experience. After all, where else could I come up with this concept?

Dawwwwwh, if I had a Tumblr, I'd have such interesting conversations with people. The convenience of yenno, reblogging. But no baby Blogger, I love you most don't worry.

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