Saturday, October 3, 2009

Is This Heartburn?

It hurts all over my body. On top of that, my sinuses are worsening, and my migraines are increasing.

Rehearsal today made me want to kill myself. IT WAS SO FRUSTRATING. But at least we got to somewhere, which, I'm content with. The waltz makes me feel soooo silly, but it's kind of nice. Everyone made it today, which made me VERY happy. But handling 32 teenagers, wow.

I want to go to sleep and stop thinking about this but the pain in my body, and the two bodies sleeping on my tiny ass bed are stopping me from doing so.

I can't wait till this is all over. Next rehearsal, next rehearsal will be so much smoother, it WILL be.

Je suis fatiguee.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)