Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hey there Blogger

I just feel like telling everyone.

Everyone, Taylor Snow received freedom today. LICENSE! She beat both her senior best friends, UH HUH. You shine Snow!


She found a poem online with my name on it by luck. It's an elegy! she keeps exclaiming aha.

angie. noone knows what really happened to her. all they know that she was naked and dead. some people say it. was foul play some people say. it was a blood vessel in her head. but then i began to have these wierd dreams about her. some beautiful some horrible. but how do we know whats real and whats a fantasy. when angie's not here to tell.

She says it's creepy, and I really like it. I think I might love it.

Rehearsals tomorrow, RSVP SLAVES.

The waltz songs that my father chose are so silly. But I get to choose the opening song. Yeah Yeah Yeah's on MINE.

Yeah yeah, good night.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)