Saturday, November 26, 2011

Vendredi Noir

I didn't shop because I don't really like to shop much. Instead I worked a very fucking neat 5am shift. I think I have carpal tunnel. Right after work, Mikal and I spent this Black Friday sleeping till the sun went down. And even during my sleep, smoothies followed me. I dreamt of making smoothies, juices, and parfaits. I dreamt of my anxiety and its dizzying level of stress. My dreams had me so wrapped up that every time I'd wake up, the disbelief of not having a blender in my hands sent me to the most relieving spiral down unconsciousness.

I nearly slipped and broke my hip the other day. I pulled my groin instead, caught my fall with an unblended blender. But I'm on that work hype now. Shouldn't complain about shit. I just can't stand the tediousness. And I can't stand people much lately either.

No complaints.

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