Monday, February 7, 2011

Artifact Speech

The beginning is always the most difficult part. I cannot find a groove with writing this speech. And it is so simple. I just have to talk about me! But now it feels like I have nothing to say. This is just my problem. Sometimes in my head, I see myself as this opinionated biatch with the entire world's worth of words to say things... but in reality and when I really open my eyes, for the most part I don't care whether to share my opinions or not. Sometimes I have so little to say and so little to talk about. And on top of that, I do not spend a lot of time trying to keep up with small talk, and so now I'm wondering how often I even talk.

I feel as if I surround myself with so many people. There are so many people in my life. But there is only an incredibly small amount that I actually say things to. My conversations on a daily basis only mean so much, or mean nothing at all. No I am not seeking for only the most profound conversations to have. I guess I am just complaining now because for this damn speech, I have nothing profound to say. I am completely blank except for a few failed attempts at creativity that was absolute crap and backspace worthy anyway.


The Emperor's New Groove.

The Emperor's New Wardrobe.

Ange's New Groovy Wardrobe.


ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)