Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today, I realized that all the months we have spent together, I never once stopped getting butterflies. I never once stopped getting the tingly feelings inside me that run up and down my spine and the goosebumps that travel across all my limbs. The hairs on the back of my neck still raise, and that is just to the thought of you.

But actually seeing you, and being with you... ahh indescribable. I want to run miles when I see you, and I cannot believe that today, even after all the gifts and lovely things, I felt just as I do every day. And no, I do not mean that it had been mundane and insignificant. I was skipping and hopping and my heart fluttered off just as each day we are together.

Nearly 6 months and we just keep becoming more and more beautiful.

Finally. Finally. Finally. I found it. Finally.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)