Monday, February 21, 2011

We Used to Live in Alaska

Recall the really good times in your life when you had found someone who changed your insides to the unrecognizable things they are now. Recall to when you had to bite your tongue not to say the same name aloud again. Recall when it wildly consumed your thoughts, but it took one single thought to drive you wild. You've been driven wild, haven't you? You must know.

I feel crazy. I feel as if I could take it all on. Everything. I feel as if I am an indestructible, fearless god. Yet at the same time, I feel as if I have found my most crippling weakness.

This is like...floating. Reaching up to cloud nine and losing discretion. Yet simultaneously, this is like being anchored. This is like being grounded and finally the little things I had never even thought of before make all the sense.

We were Eskimos. We used to eat our igloo for dessert. Cuddle Fuddle.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)