Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Raging updates

MIA at best. I have been a vegetable in my room, on my bed, on my desk, on the couch with oil pastel-covered fingers and endless amounts of meaningless and poorly-composed journal entries in my precious, golden-spined notebook. And also, those almost love letters that I write to a certain tasteful man. They're piling up on my desk. Waiting and waiting for me to move. And god, too much Odd Future for anyone's well being and Mumford and Sons' banjo that ascends from the speakers of my record player to wake up my grandmothers in the next room beyond my thin, green wall. I've been really sensitive to my emotions, but that's alright. I'm feelin', yes I'm feelin'. But disregarding the moments I submerge myself composing the angriest journal entries (or even the sappiest) or nearly killing myself because of the raging on the road or laying limp on my bed to focus solely on song lyrics just to physically stop myself from thinking, I have been trying... almost desperately... trying to think about the many good things to come.

1. BFD this Sunday. Less than one week from now and I will finally FINALLY see The Strokes. This long awaited dream. I can just imagine now, standing on the lawn, straining myself to get the best possible view of them. And...Snoop will be pretty cool.

2. Odd Future, June 21. Rae already purchased the tickets and almost everyone else purchased theirs. Really really stoked.

3. When ever summer comes in full-swing. For Ace to be out of school because my summer isn't summer with out Ace.

4. I am still constantly thinking about hiking and wading at Sunol. It's been a month, I think, since we had gone and it still left me with a strong desire to buy water shoes and go back up there. Strong desire.

5. The day my camera comes back to me. My days are lonely with out it. I don't feel the need to even get up and adventure because I don't have Nietzsche around my neck. That's... that's sad.

6. The day my laptop gets fixed. The main reason I have been MIA from Blogspot. There's really nowhere else I would rather blog than with the privacy of my own lappy. But considering that I neglected its safety by forgetting to update my anti-virus then downloading more than 10gb (probably) worth of illegal shit (music, movies, etc.), it just died on me. I've been sleeping at Mikal's because I can't stand the broken laptop in my room. That's... that's even sadder.

Everything feels broken. I should be going to the post office now. Last night I dreamt that I woke up just to devote the day to reading at the park. I brought a stack of books, laid out a blanket, then laid under the shade of a tree and read until my head literately spun. (Heh, get it?) But then I awoke this morning and it was pouring elephants outside. The sound made me so comfortable that I fell back asleep.

Until when ever I'm sane enough to post again.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)