Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18th, 1 Keokham, 1 Garza, and 2 Andrade's

On our way to San Jose, we missed the first exit, then missed the next eleven exits after that, attempting to exit at all.

The "Dashboard" photo. It's so Modest Mouse.

Elephant food. This entree was massive. I told CG I would impressed if he finished the entire plate.

Had to unbutton. We ordered so much. 1.



HOME STRETCH! He didn't talk the entire meal. Trying to 'focus'


Coke superhero..

Streets of SJ, advertising my blog? How sweet.

The hotel.

My favorite picture of CG.

  • Thank you Ace my best Broham
  • Thank you CG, always the underhand comments\
  • RV.
  • Cheesecake Factory
  • They made my entire day.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)