Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My beautiful Sof,

I had such a wonderful time with her. We went to Semo Sushi where we spent the entire time talking until we were asked to leave because the place was closing. I take comfort in moments like that. Being so wrapped up in conversations like that. I like it.

I am very fond of Sof. I have always, always categorized myself as a listener, but she makes me feel like the talker. And she listens so intently that I feel comfortable enough to further talk if I feel to. She said she was enlightened today, and that was comforting to know that I didn't bore her with the little details of my life. I look forward to spending more time with her. She is very good company.

AND. She made me this delicious caramel apple. I just finished it several minutes ago. I carried it around with me all day until I got home then CHOMPED!

Today was a good day.

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