Thursday, December 31, 2009


Dinner night.

Grocery shopping with my two favorites.

Unfortunately, I have no photos DURING the dinner. I don't remember why.
But leaving Fox's house, it was so pretty outside. Red and dark, my favorite.

Hi Snow's car.

One attempt of taking car pictures. Did I succeed? YES. Because you can see me perfectly. Just kidding, I completely failed. But I look happy...?


When we arrived home... Ace, RV, and I got really hungry. So for midnight, we decided to be chefs.


This is our best and latest creation. Rice, eggs, soysauce, and fried ramen noodles.

This is before Ace dumped ramen in with the eggs.

Ingenious angle she said. It looks like a kind of sad, kind of warm Thanksgiving dinner..of the poor.

We had to take these armpit pictures....

Because rehtard Ace got upset because of THIS picture and her armpit exposure in it T-T

And these pictures... Basically, it displays my level of lameness because of the stupid laptop. AT LEAST I CAN LAUGH AT MYSELF!!

"Oh it's ok you guys, yeah, I'll just look.."

"Yeah..that's nice.."

Public Enemies for a late night movie? I love Ace sleepovers.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)