Sunday, December 27, 2009


Aside from the Dias' surprising me with my brown leather boots from Bakers' and Ian's 500 Days surprise, my favorite Christmas present?

Leo and I had a deal, NO PRESENTS FOR EACH OTHER. I mean, we never give each other presents anyway but... HE BROKE THE PROMISE.

And the way he is, he literally just tossed it at me like it wasn't a big deal. The "Oh here" way. In the car, while driving me home from my two days of being a fugitive.

I texted him last night:

"Honestly I wanted to give you a present to remember after 3 years of friendship. And I wanted you to have it so when I'm gone you can look at it and remember me."

Whatever you fag, I love you.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)