Sunday, June 6, 2010

Letters; Day 3 - Your Parents

Dear Ma and Pa,

It's clear that there is no one else in the face of this planet that I have let down more than the both of you. For as long as I can remember, I've been doing everything you've told me not to. I swayed away from your words, always. And the amazing parents that you are, you two were always so patient. You've come to accept who I am as a person and that I'll always do things differently that what you can imagine or expect. To this day, you don't make me feel like a speck for being who I am. You two have never pushed me into doing something I didn't want to. You let me make my mistakes and learn from them.

I'm not like my sister of course. I'll never be the studious one that'll bring you home those straight A's. And that's the aspect that I always felt I've really let you down on. Because I know that there is absolutely no one else around me that has it better than I do. I've got everything I could ask for from you. We may not talk a lot. I may not share a lot of things. I may keep to myself, but I always know that I've really got the best.

One day, I will do something amazing. Something that you'll be proud of. I'll be someone. And I know, even if right now I've yet to really accomplish anything at all, I know for a fact that you're proud to have me as your daughter. I know that you tell your friends about me regardless all my bullshit. I'm still your offspring after all.

I don't know mom and dad. 18 years and with such little words, I've learned a lot from the both of you. Thank you for being the two most amazing people I will ever ever EVER meet in my entire life. I could never ask for anything more. I love you both, very very very much.


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