Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today, I decided to attend a badminton game. It was a home game and Xav and Aiz wanted me to watch anyway, so I said why not?

Once I entered the gym, I had a scattering of people telling me that I'm supposed to be outside stretching. I guess considering that I decided to be lazy today and wear basketball shorts, people just assumed that I was on the team.

I talked to several of my ex-teammates and they kept trying to convince me to play again. Aiza especially. She's been telling me that we'd be great doubles this year, just like sophomore year! The more people talked to me, the more I considered.

I even played a game today! We won, of course. I forgot how much fun I have being partnered with Aiz. Anyway, I'm deciding, as long as I'm playing doubles and not singles, then I'd play.

I start Monday again. Kim can hella suck mine.

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