Sunday, March 14, 2010

And More...

Here's my plan.

I say we just dip, leave this place. We'll be hella poor and miserable for a little while, but let's ignorantly and blissfully say that we'll find a way. Every night you can tell me, "We'll find a way baby, we'll find a way." Like you always reassure me anyway.

And one day, things won't be so bad anymore. One day, we'll have our Victorian style home and you'll have your Japanese cave that I don't get to touch. And we'll be living in that house. And we'll have a cabin, remember? A cabin for summers or winters, near a lake or some body of water. You'll have an axe for cutting wood and we'll have a canoe and I could even try gardening! And I'll be an expert because I would have been a florist, like I said I wanted to be at some point. Every night we could watch our favorite movies and argue about who listens to the better music. And you can make me crepes while I complain about something new. We could have a French Bulldog, because I want one, so we want one. And we'll take care of him and we can name him after a British man or a food item. But I don't know. You don't know. We never know.

My heart really did sink to my ass. I say we just dip, leave this place. But you're not as irresponsible as I am, and we both know. I don't know, we never know.

Fuck, I am so fucking sad all of the time.. all of a sudden.

Have to keep moving forward.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)