Tuesday, June 2, 2009

No, I've yet to download the new TBS album for a bright tomorrow morning. But the thought of it excites me!

Guess what? 's

I've been sick lately. I forced myself to get out of bed this morning and ignore my headaches because I really cannot afford to miss school at this time. We're filming in French class and as lame as it sounds that Fernan suggested a Twilight involvement in it, it's a really fun bonding time.

I began adding my courts' middle names on the invitations [the invitations that my mother designed by the way, it is just precious]. Anyway, I knew more than 89% of everyone's middle names...and I realized that I'd not a clue what Fernan's middle name was. And I still don't. He hung up on me when I gave him a call. Aha, the thought just somewhat startled me for some reason.

Days ago, my friend Jessica, whom we all call Jeska, told me that she'd changed her last name! She'd said that she will update me on everything new, but that's yet to happen. My friend Jessica Jeung is now Jessica Song. Jeska Jeung is one badass name though. I really wonder why. I'm rather excited to see my two favorite Koreans soon though, her and Jennipahhhhh.

You know, I've still yet to finish The Catcher in the Rye. I've had it for ...quite a while now and I've been given at least 3 overdue notices from the library but I just shrug it off. I want to, but I cannot find the time. Or I'm just not trying hard enough to find out. And with my films. I've only developed one roll from days ago, only because Makay suggested we hang out and get the job done. I still have 8 [and counting] undeveloped rolls. I promised, I promised to gradually develop them as summer comes D:

I make the most innappropriate, perverted jokes lately. They come out like word vommit. And I LOL at myself till my teeth fall off. I've just been R-rated lately...

Me: What have you guys been doing in French lately?
D: "Oh, we're learning 'to come'. "

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)