Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hide and Seek

A ghost was sitting on me again.

Her arm rested just above my head, I knew that for certain. I knew Max was laying on her bed, licking herself. I knew that the blanket I'd chosen was far too warm for a summer night, and I knew that I was drenched in my own, cold sweat.

What had startled me was the amount of knowledge that I'd had. I whispered to myself frantically, "It's coming, it's coming, it's coming..." And I'd braced myself, prepared myself to prevent the avalanche of images that would come crashing down my head and shake me to my very core.

But I was already too late. Laying on my side, the images fell and clashed like the montage of the astonishing realization of a psychological thriller. I resisted and I fought, or at least I tried, but only to accept that I was hopeless, and it sat on me comfortably, longingly, and patiently.

Her arm rested just above my head, so close to me that I could even smell her skin lingering around me. But she was out of reach, and I was at the dark, sinking and throbbing under the heat of the blanket. My head pounding in my skull, the ripping sound of angry air whipping around me like it's the last thing I will ever feel...

When I knew it departed, my arm flew above me and it laid flat across her arm, in hopes that she'll be awake and I'll be safe again.

But darkness fell closer, and I kept more alone. She didn't even flinch. Max was still licking herself on her bed. I was still drenched in my own sweat.

And so at the peek of fear, I put my hands over my eyes like I was ten again.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)