Monday, June 8, 2009

I have 99 problems but a bitch is not one.

I'm in history, writing a paper about crips and bloods. And I'm just thinking to myself of all that has been whispering around our social ties.

Did you know...

That there is so much shit talking lately? I can't even believe my ears sometimes. All of this negativity coming out of so much mouths. I mean, I understand sometimes you just have to vent out the things that bug the shit out of you, but I'm almost sure that everyone's doings and beings shouldn't bother you at such an extent that your mouth is running for the fucking cross country team. It's everyone, it's everyone. I even catch myself drooling with negativity sometimes. But then I try and wipe away the drool and pick up on my grammar and THEN, I think of good things that make me smile and well up with happiness. Like summer, love, music, and things that suspend me infinite.

The bell will ring soon.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)