Friday, January 30, 2009

Je suis dans ma chambre avec les DVD de mon petit copain. Je veux dormir, mais je ne peux pas. Alors, I have a dozen sleepy thoughts, along side Journey faded from the living room. I'd make my calls. But I need some time to choke on my own. I am exhausted. Finals are over, my first term classes are over. The only things I'll miss would be the adoring company of Tyler and Cassidy in my Algebra 2 class. Mr. Irish sounds like Robin Williams sometimes, and hates my boyfriend. I'm ecstatic to have Spanish off my hair. I've been in approximately 6 Spanish classes since 8th grade, and I'm well beyond done with it. French on the other hand is my new little passion. My only solid goal for this next term is maintain my having the highest grade in class. I just can't give up that title. I won't let it happen! Another upside, no more Ms. Liao. I've found a way to somehow resent having an English class because of her. If she is permitted to teach English, or even teach at faith in humanity has just gone down by another 30 points. This term: Francais Deux = Super parce que je suis une bon eleve !..en francais. Chemistry avec Monsieur Abrahams = C'est dificil? L'histoire avec Madame Lake = I am excited to have her as my teacher again Geometry avec some teacher whose name I cannot pronounce...or spell. Badminton very soon. I cannot wait to play. I've a lot of work ahead of me since I'll be playing girls' singles. And I intend on being good, very good. I miss the hard-earned sweat and the post-conditioning soreness that just leaves me moaning and groaning. Excited. Mmm, if there's anything else for me to rant's the silly realization that I'm out of girl friends. Tyler's my buddy, and I love her with all my little heart's got. And Ace is a serious pain in my ass and she's Ace, my Ace afterall. But I guess now I'm wondering where everyone else went. I miss Kim very much. I always hope that in some moments we'll be like how it used to be. But those moments could only last a few seconds, minutes if I'm lucky. I just miss having that close girl friend that I can be a girl with. And do lame girl things like be able to mall and hub and pig out with ease. Things are moving forward now. Forward. I try my very best not to think of Leo's graduating yet. It makes me sad, though I know I'll still see him. I mean, I do own shotgun forever. BGFx3 Anything left would be Dean. I swear, he drives me off the bloody wall with his stupid self sometimes. We take turns playing immature and retard. I'm too aggressive and he's too passive. We clash like two boulders, one that jumped off a cliff while the other was just pushed off. He can be an emotional wreck while I'm just an indifferent nonsense. He's sad I'm mad but gahd. When he looks at me like he knows exactly what he wants, and his eyes get all small and squinty and dark and broody and partially smiling, I know exactly who to be. And I could be as solid as I thought I really couldn't be. J'aime Dean beaucoup, mais...I just can't tell him that just yet.. Not yet. My foot is asleep, I've black smeared across my eyes since I refuse to wipe it away, and we've no more Panda Cookies left. This rant has gone far, way far enough. Je suis desole, mais bonne nuit Monde.
PS, Yo necesito un bueno libro para leer. Recomendaciones? Oui, j'aime etre multilingue. D'accord, tulog nako.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)