Coffee piss.
"Hi, I hope you're alive..." She was always sweet to me.
I've been questioning the structures of simple words lately. Very simple, commonly-used words are starting to become alien to me. Like I'd never seen them before. Like I have the yips. Like choking.
I once made Naj list who she thought were the most attractive people in our first semester nursing class. She used a yellow highlighter, and I think she felt bad about it after. She also used to tease me about my embarrassing crush for some married angel babe with red hair. I'm really just embarrassing. But I really just miss dat dude.
Salt is making me swell up. Salt and beer and being a turd.
Po boy.
My belly is a very large drum. Like I'm critically competitive of my father's large belly. Would I still have friends if I was bulimic?
[insert nervous breakdown]
I thought about that guy I was shoving and shoved me back.
Sometimes things are alright. Very brief, few, and far between.
I know of a man named Mr. Boop, and he said something harmless and alarming to me.
Darlin', your head's not right.
ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)
- anger management
- dumps
- oeufs au plat avec jambon
- horripilation
- 12:26am
- what do you mean you made me a dashboard confessio...
- got the big bottle
- must reevaluate life decisions
- head hurt
- 3:54am
- burst
- correlate
- lacerate
- I'm a lush
- My buddy
- pray and swear
- I'm watching Scrubs till my eyes bleed, recalling ...
- Sorry baby
- These bitches,
- This is stranger than I thought.