Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cran, Cran

Today was the day Earth stood still. No. Today's just the day my body decided to urinate radioactive pee and blood while I sit there on my now porcelain throne, trying and dying to just piss my entire self out to stop the burning sensation that leads me to intricately plan my own fantastic deaths because I'd rather die than suffer this way.

I've been extremely dramatic about this. I had myself convinced that I had kidney stones last night. I thought being baked would make me forget the pain. But last night was the complete opposite. I felt every ounce of pain that my body could inflict on itself. I was in tears, sitting on my toilet, almost begging for forgiveness for all the sins I have committed just so it would go away and I can have a normal pee. I can't believe it's led me to write about it here. Evil is taking place in my body. Pure evil. Evil in its neon yellow and blood dots form. I'd love to say at least I have my health, but no, I don't. My body is weakening. My body is failing. It burns when I pee and I burn every day.

Cran, cran, cran. Cran Ras, Cran Grape, Cran Pomegranate.

Just remember, you love your life, you love your life, you love your life.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)