Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wanna know what pisses me off??

(Of course you do, you nosey bastard, why else would you be here?)

I get pissed off when I realize I have a bummed and sad look on my face while watching someone walk out my front door. (Very particular idiots cause such a face from me, I realize). Nobody gets to dictate why I have a bummed face, please see yourself out this page because I bet you're not one of them. If you are in fact one of them satanic bastards, see yourself out also since I want nothing to do with you anymore.

(We all say shit we don't mean)

(Don't excuse me, it's better off that way)

(I can tell that the more you read me, the more you like me)

(But fuck off)

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)