Friday, February 21, 2014

unemployment page

California's population is approximately thirty-eight million. That's hella heads for one state. One fat state. One fat state that should never be divided. (I read some article today that fired up my damn appreciation for CA). California's population is approcimately thirty-eight million, making us the first most populous state in the whole of the nation. Texas comes second. Then New York for a stubborn third. I can't imagine growing to die anywhere but California. In the bay area. Spread my fuckin' ashes here. Damn, I digress. 

I've had a lot of time for myself. A lot of time that I spend alone in my room, frontin' a lot of things. The microphone in my room really changed my late night activities. Not only do I get wasted in my room whilsssssttttt talking to myself, but now I have a microphone to amplify my loud thoughts. I have an audience, believe it or not. I have a voice, believe it or not. This is the only place I feel like being in, believe it or not. Still torn up about not knowing how to be a person and how I'm really quite terrible at life. Astoundingly terrible, if you ask me. Class A horrific. I always feel a nervous breakdown coming on, but it never comes because I'm too busy being the host of my goddamn talk show while trying to remember all the names of my entire audience. If I don't have a monumental breakdown anytime soon, I got ten on it that you'll find me dead or vanished. 

(It saddens me thinking about how money saddens me). 

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)