Thursday, December 6, 2012

crs n jam

For the passed few weeks, I had been getting closely acquainted with a few people in my class. In fact, I see them more than I see anyone anymore. We spend hours at school, then hours more after school because I benefit from studying with them and we are always grouped together for projects. We eat and distract each other from our work. We laugh too loudly and exchange racist jokes. They like my stupid face and I like how vulgar the things that come out of their mouths are. I didn't think I'd get along so well with anyone in there but here I am making new friends and being completely comfortable and satisfied about it. Undeniably, they give me a reason to want to be in school. I no longer take the opportunity to quiet everything with my BALLINNNNN' headphones. They yell at me like they're my parents and I am their retard baby that struggles to pass the fucking class. Today, Jamila told me that Cristelle wished for me to pass the class when blowing her birthday candles. I don't do well with showing appreciative  and gushy emotions but I really did soften to that one. I said 'DAWWWW' and quietly appreciated them more. It's nice to have friends ok. IT'S FUCKING NICE AND IT MAKES THINGS OK. 

They tight, they tight. 

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