Sunday, January 4, 2015

lucky sake

Nothing feels better than being a server to all the lesbians. They tip better than the best tip I've ever had. Wink, bitch.

One Ariana Grande song getting stuck in my head post-work is one too many Ariana Grande songs getting stuck in my head at all.

"Have you ever felt numb with contempt?" ..was my moment to shine who I truly am, even for just a moment. I am the nefarious one. 

I will not regret playing favorites between coworkers. I like the ones who bare their teeth.

But I give a half more shit when the kitchen staff gets pissed off.

I might be sorry about the server-complex that I am starting to develop. Still more sorry about the lactose intolerance that I have certainly developed.

Maybe we can't be friends. I'd feel too bad.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)