I'd just like to take this moment to admit that I love everyone at my work. I'd like to be adopted by my newfound Vietnamese family. I would like to be engulfed so much so that the traces of my being Filipino gets washed away and I am born anew. On second thought, I will never wash away being Filipino. I can't complain too much. However, I'd still like to be able to understand what everyone is saying, instead of numbing myself at the thought of hearing just sounds. I learned one word though. Just one. One 3-letter word. Take a guess.
ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)
- ss pals
- very well
- ss guap duty
- I'm fuckin surrounded
- Can't tell when I've stopped comparing myself or m...
- I am not, and never will be, obligated to have a t...
- ss alternatives
- drunk me, unapologetically
- Deeply Offended
- Things to hate, 2015 till infiniteen
- ss screenshot
- gorgeous
- holy toledo
- constant disposition
- ss me
- ss shit
- cute