Friday, July 6, 2012

The Rum Diary

This movie kept me up until 6:30 in the morning. That's how long it was. If you watch it, you'll be up until 6:30am. His eyes frightened me. Seeing that burst of blood in them was like a threat, or warning... telling me that I better put down the drink in my hand. But that won't actually stop me from putting down the drink in my hand. 

What I liked: I like movies about writers, that simple. But Depp is always playing the character of a writer. Not that I don't appreciate it. I'm just kind of over it. But what really kept me watching was the female lead... this little number, Amber Heard. She was a temptress. She was a goddess of her own, flawless on her own. Her character falters in the end. Pathetic and pretty in tears. Just like all those unattainable ones. Just like all those temptresses. But I like her. My new girl. 

To summarize, the end bored me to death. It was a goody good ending for his goody good role. He didn't get the girl though. That was slightly exciting enough for me. 

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