Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dear Saturday Afternoon,

Currently playing: SWEET MUSIC

I love peeling off our clothes; Sometimes we take our time. Sometimes we race.

I love feeling your belly button so close to mine.

I love the rise and fall of your breathing on my neck.

I love your soft, tiny kisses.

I love your hand running up and down my spine.

I love that your room is always so dark.

I love our whispers and giggles.

I love when we pull the covers up over our heads.

I love the gazillion ways you kiss my back and shoulders,

I love how they tickle.

I love our feet tangled.

I love that we scream every time any part of us exposes out of the covers.

I love your squinty eyes in the dark.

I love our hands locked, pressed on your mattress above our heads.

I love how we always lose the pillows.

I love your tilted bed.

I love our potty breaks, and we take turns waiting for each other in bed.

I love being locked in your room with you,

the afternoons turn into nights,

And we waste time away holding, kissing, tearing each other apart.

I love it.

I love you.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)