Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Feeling sad when I'm in school is the worst. I usually don't because I'm too distracted with people and work and other things that just keep my mind off. But today just wasn't the day.

I was just walking. Just walking in the middle of the quad, the sun streaming down, my jacket off, my hair pulled back, and it should've felt great. But oh I felt sad. I kept feeling sad and I kept thinking how sad I felt. The weather was so delightful but I stayed so quiet and so distant from the world. I hated that. I felt so vulnerable in such a public place.

It felt like tears were about to stroll down if I kept sitting on that bench staring at nothing and thinking nothing and saying nothing. So I stood up, and we walked home. The most silent walk ever until we reached the World's Longest Stoplight where I began spilling my guts.

I started to feel better untillllll he left and I had to get on my work. Even Cynthia commented on my mood today. I kept apologizing and told her I just felt very sick and sluggish. Even with Dean's bright sunshine mood there I couldn't help but feel sad.

Being complete is like a comet. Only comes ever so often and goes by just as fast as it came. I am in the snore-neck stage. I'm staring up waiting for a comet. I'm waiting for the next time I'll feel complete again. I'm just starting to feel the sadness of a dark sky, you know?

Incomplete? Only for now.

ARCHIVE, FUCKERS (for Ace-like purposes)